Call 0438 455318
4097.16 CL

Equivalent to: BeA 97
Codice: #11430530
Characteristics: long magazine, bottom loading
Trigger type: single fire with dual activation (dual safety trigger)
Max fastener length (mm): 16
Min fastener length (mm): 4
Motor: MINI
Omer has the LONG MAGAZINE perfected. Years of refinement and understanding of the nuances involved in feeding twice as many fasteners, gives the 100% Italian engineering excellence yet another chance to shine. It still has a bottom loading design that allows fast reloading and totally simplified clearing of the rare bent staple if and when it occurs. Other brands have tried to provide their own interpretation of a long magazine that "looks similar" but Omer brings about Form & Function in all they do. Staplers with twice the load capacity yet still known for "ZERO complaints".
Call 0438 455318